Church Methods Don’t Matter – Until We Do Them Wrong
We need to change our methods for the same reason I type using single spacing – because bad methods get in the way of the message.
Church Methods Don’t Matter – Until We Do Them Wrong
Image: Camille Orgel | Unsplash

The church won’t change the world by adopting new methods. We won’t even save the church that way.

What will change the world is a praying church. A loving church. A worshiping church. An outward-reaching church. A Jesus-centric church.

The Great Commandment and the ...

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Church & Culture
Christians Are Not Afraid Of New Evidence, We Seek It Out
We should seek truth wherever it may be found, because we serve the author of all truth.
Christians Are Not Afraid Of New Evidence, We Seek It Out

Christianity has always been a faith in pursuit of the truth. Because of that, we’re not afraid of solid scientific research. In fact, we support it.

After all, our faith rests, not on a set of ideas or behaviors, but on a verifiable historical fact, the bodily resurrection ...

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Innovative Ministry
You’re Allowed To Care About One Thing Without Campaigning For Everything
Saying “no” to some good things so you can say "yes" to other good things is an essential step in being effective.
You’re Allowed To Care About One Thing Without Campaigning For Everything
Image: Anna Earl | Unsplash

So you’ve found something you care about.

You’re involved. You feel like you’re making a difference.

Then you post about it on social media. Not to brag, just because that’s what you do with causes you care about.

Most of the responses are positive and uplifting, ...

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Innovative Ministry
“Get More People In The Room” Is Dead. Here’s What’s Replacing It
Size is no longer considered a sign of health by the average church member or spiritual seeker.
“Get More People In The Room” Is Dead. Here’s What’s Replacing It
Image: davide ragusa | Unsplash

There are very few pastors who would say that bigger churches are inherently better than smaller churches. But most pastors believe it would be better if their church got bigger.

Not only do most pastors want their churches to get bigger, they believe it’s worth an extraordinary ...

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Innovative Ministry
Why “Learn With Me” Is So Much Better Than “Learn From Me”
Don’t just teach us what you know, teach us what you’re learning.
Why “Learn With Me” Is So Much Better Than “Learn From Me”
Image: Priscilla Du Preez | Unsplash

We’re all trying to understand the most essential elements of our existence.

Life, love, faith, family, church... and toilet paper rolls (under or over?)

No one has it all figured out.

This is why teachers need to start from an attitude of humility. Especially if we’re ...

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Christian Unity
6 Reasons “Don’t Take It Personally” Is Bad Ministry Advice
When you spend your ministry time with people you know and love, it has to be personal.
6 Reasons “Don’t Take It Personally” Is Bad Ministry Advice
Image: Maksym Kaharlytskyi | Unsplash

Don’t take it personally.”

That may be the worst piece of advice I’ve ever received about ministry. It fails on so many levels.

Here are six of them.

1. Jesus Took Ministry Very Personally

Can you imagine Jesus giving anyone that advice? “Take up your cross ...

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Small Church Ministry
Do You Serve In A Small Church? We See You, And You Matter
You may feel alone, but you're not. You're seen, loved and appreciated.
Do You Serve In A Small Church? We See You, And You Matter
Image: Edi Libedinsky | Unsplash

Today's article was written by Bernie Harding, the community pastor of Peel Elim Community Church, where her husband is the pastor. Peel is a town of 6,000 people on the Isle of Man. Bernie is responsible for running the community centre, kids church, some evangelism projects, ...

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