How Pride Destroys Leadership, Part 2
I repeated Hezekiahā€™s mistakes—and learned the same lessons

How does one start with passion to serve Jesus, fearless, strong, and ready to take on large challenges, and have a heart of pride growing inside? It's easier than you think. In Part 1 of this article, I mentioned two triggers to watch for, which encouraged the growth of pride ...

How Pride Destroys Leadership, Part 1
I repeated Hezekiahā€™s mistakes—and learned the same lessons

I was in my early twenties when I took my first ministry assignment. I soon experienced what I call quick fruitā€”favor and multiplication of my ministry. I had many offers for highly influential positions at a young age. For example, I was appointed a district leader to more ...

Leaders Who Are Discerning
If you donā€™t know how God is leading you, you wonā€™t know how to lead others

Leaders of churches and Christian organizations are often successful in the secular marketplace, or even church ministry, but have had little instruction in or preparation for the process of discernment. They might not even understand discernment to be part of what they have ...

ā€œI Love Me a Preacha in Dangly Earringsā€
A true story for women in ministry

Ever walked past a mirror to catch an unexpected glimpse of yourself? "Yikes, I hoped skinny jeans might make me look skinny."

I serve in a church that projects our service onto what we call "The Jumbotron." It's not exactly the scoreboard at the Superdome, but it's a jumbo ...

Sharing the Gospel through Story
Learn to transition ordinary conversations into sharing Christ

It is far easier to introduce storytelling than traditional evangelism openers. For example, you might simply say, "I've been learning to tell stories. The trainer has asked us to practice each story with ten people. Would you be willing to listen to a five-minute story and ...

You Canā€™t Be Burned out Already!
Keeping volunteers happy

I have been an unhappy volunteer. I have felt unappreciated and underutilized. I have also felt humiliated and used. Because of some of my earlier ministry experiences on the receiving end as a volunteer, when I began leading women's ministry at my sweet church, I vowed to be ...

Who Do You Think You Are?
Knowing and accepting yourself helps you be fully present without pretense
Who Do You Think You Are?

Some of my earliest memories find me sitting barefoot and cross-legged under a large tree in our neighbor's backyard. My girlfriends and I were making purses out of large leaves, weaving the stiff stems through the fleshy edges. I enjoyed nature and creating beauty with ...

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