Word War, Religious ā€œNones,ā€ a Leap of Faith, and a Nobel Prize
Four recent events that matter to your ministry

Consider these recent events and how they might affect your ministry.

Book Controversy

A Year of Biblical Womanhood, the new book in which popular Christian blogger and writer Rachel Held Evans charts her attempts to follow all the Bible's instructions for women, made news this ...

Leading Yourself
You canā€™t keep going on empty

You are a leader. A leader is defined simply as someone who guides or inspires others. You figure out where you and your team need to go and then you help them envision the future. You empower them to make a plan to get there together. You take care of your team members, pour ...

Please Lead. I Need You.
Mentoring makes a difference, even from afar

Not long ago, I messed up something for a client. She emailed me about it and I emailed back an apology.

And then I waited.

I watched the clock tick. No response.

I burned with stomach acid and shame.

It was an idiot mistake. Anyone with a little professional savvy would've known ...

When the World Shakes
Suffering reveals the impotence of our idols

From our cabin in Wisconsin there's a long, sweet swim to a raft anchored a few football fields' length out. It belongs to the Reeves, dear generational friends who are like family. Their men do all the work of hauling the raft out and in each summer, of rescuing, repairing, ...

Giving Grace Away
Hero or thief, I need the power of confession

As a kid, I dreamed that people could be divided into two teams: heroes and thieves; beggars and heirs. At night, beneath a ceiling of glow-in-the-dark stars, I fully expected to be a heroine. (Everyone intends to be supermanā€”not the victim who needs saving.) Now I know better. ...

Making the Most of Your Role
Finding your place in male-led ministry
Making the Most of Your Role
Image: iStock

Several years ago, I served as the treasurer of a small church. In this congregation, the treasurer was required to sit on the church's governing board, which didn't allow women. My husband, however, was on the board, so as a workaround for providing monthly treasurer's ...

Bossy Older Sisters in the Church
Cultivating and wielding female strength

Not long ago, when I was pregnant with my now-infant son, I must admit that it came as quite a shock to me when I found out I was having a boy. I was sure that I was having a girl. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. And because I was so certain of my child's gender, I had already ...

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