Could I Love My Neighbor Who Didnā€™t Love Me?
I struggled to sows seeds of grace in my own neighborhood
Could I Love My Neighbor Who Didnā€™t Love Me?

"I can handle a lot of people, but I can't handle Evangelicals." Mary grimaced as I stood next to her at our block's progressive dinner. The party made me nervous. We had just moved to the neighborhood three weeks ago. I had this slight sweating problem, and ...

The Fragrance of Leadership
Is your influence inviting?

Standing in my friend's kitchen while she was making oatmeal, I was immediately transported back to my grandmother's home, where every morning of my summer visits, she would make the best oatmeal on the planet. Loading it with real cream and brown sugar, she would place the ...

Three Ways to Kill a Small Group
Avoid these sure-thing saboteurs

You've worked hard to prepare for your first small group: the invitations have been sent, the curriculum selected, the brownies baked. Everything you need for an amazing small-group experience! Exceptā€¦it's not that easy. It takes much more than good marketing to make a small ...

What Happens When You Donā€™t Serve Fluff on a Platter
Lessons learned from the first year of a womenā€™s mentoring ministry

Our leadership team has learned a few lessons after one year of prayer, preparation, and leadership training; a successful launch of a women's mentoring ministry at our church; and one year of mentoring through small groups. I'd like to share these lessons with you:

1. Trust ...

The Healthy Leader Quiz
Are you leading from a healthy place? Find out now!

Guiding others has the potential to be one of the most exhilarating experiences in life. But too frequently, the joy found in leading others becomes suffocated underneath the pile of daily demands and due dates. The pressures leaders experience today often leave them feeling ...

Mentoring as Discipleship
Through intentional relationships, everyone learns

After more than 10 years of teaching the Bible, 14 years of discipling and mentoring women, and launching two women's mentoring ministries, I realized two things are needed for ministry: a clear focus and training. Our women's mentoring ministry provides a focus and intentionally ...

I Quit!
Moving on from ministry

When my daughter was 9, she and I were working on her homework together. She had to write a sentence using the word exhausted. She came up with this: "When my mom comes home from work, she is exhausted." Seriously. Ouch. Now, I worked out of the home two only days a weekā€”so ...

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