Church Leader: Unplugged
Just put down your phone and walk away
Church Leader: Unplugged

Shunda shares the pastorate of a mid-size church in upstate New York. Her responsibilities span preaching, the youth group, evangelism, and community activism. A multi-talented single woman (she sings, plays guitar, writes, and even paints from time to time), Shunda works unending ...

What Are We Teaching Our Young Women?
The church needs to Lean In to the conversation concerning marriage and singleness

The Internet is ablaze with discussions surrounding Sheryl Sandberg's national bestseller, Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead. Early in the book she addresses age-old conversations surrounding women and their choices concerning work and their relationships. She writes, ...

A Guide to Addressing Fear
The first step is choosing to face it.
A Guide to Addressing Fear
Image: iStock

When we feel fear, God understands, because he's the one who made us that way. In many ways, that first response is involuntary. He designed our minds that way so we could react quickly in dangerous situations without being slowed down by the rational thought process, which ...

Letā€™s Take Leadership Seriously
God does not require less from women

In John C. Maxwell's book Developing the Leader Within You, he explains that the majority of people believe being a leader is a position or title. Most often we strive for a title or status and believe that once we achieve the particular status, we become leaders. He goes on ...

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
A book review

Why I picked up this book:

I read Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In for several reasons: 1) I had seen Sheryl's TED Talk on why there are so few women leading and resonated with her message and style. 2) As the COO of Facebook, Sheryl consistently makes the "lists." You know, like the ...

When Clergy Fashion Goes Wrong
ā€œThe Mysterious Third Nippleā€ and other horror stories

At a recent ministry event, I seized an opportunity to test out my favorite new party trick among clergywomen.

"I'm just curious," I queried, "if anyone has had a professional wardrobe malfunction…"

Though the term was officially coined ...

Itā€™s Time for the Church to Speak against Injustice toward Our Youth
An interview with Dr. Kimberlee Johnson, minister and director of the Center for Urban Youth Development at Eastern University

"Where were you when the lights went out?"

That's the question that resonated in my heart as I considered the plight of so many minority and underprivileged youth in our country. Every day, our American youth are being destroyed because of a lack of education, lack of boundaries, ...

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