No More Stones
I thought I was beyond redemption, but I learned to accept Godā€™s love for me

The first time one hit me, it hurt. After multiple hits, I became numb to the pain. The stones thrown at me no longer scared or hurt me. As a twice-divorced women, I faced accusers, the greatest one being myself. To avoid the stones, I relinquished the call God had placed on ...

Foremothers of the Messiah
In the genealogy of Jesus, Godā€™s activity in and through women is obvious

In the pages of the Hebrew Bible, we find stories of women who went before us and left their mark on our history with God. In the material known to us today as the Old Testament, we read of women who were prophets, military leaders, priests, wise women, and wisdom personified. ...

Healing Waters Bible Study
A resource review

The book:Healing Waters Leader Guide: A Bible Study on Forgiveness, Grace and Second Chances

By Melody Carlson

Published by Abingdon Press

Why I picked up this book:

I have several books come across my desk every day at work. With so many books vying for my attention, a book needs ...

Connecting with Your Team
How to keep the lines of communication open

If you don't connect, you cannot achieve success. When your team cannot hear you, they cannot follow you. They need to see, hear, speak, touch, and experience you as a leader. Send them notes. Listen when they speak. Let them know when they have touched you. Let them see that ...

Team Building: Beyond the Basics, Part 2
Itā€™s not just about finding warm bodies and putting them to work

Far too often, ministry volunteers receive only a skeletal training before they are released to work. For certain roles (making coffee and directing traffic), on-the-job training is more than sufficient. For pastoral care and other people-oriented ministries, there's simply ...

Leader, Donā€™t Take Yourself So Seriously
Remember, we live by the power of Christā€™s perfection

When I was in corporate America, my company's leaders would use fear as an incentive to get the young consultants to work hard. I had attended an orientation session with the top graduates from Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, and MIT, which meant I was surrounded by people who were ...

Leadership Is Relationship
An interview with Executive Director of RenovarƩ, Rachel Quan

During college, Rachel Quan's spiritual journey was shaped by the book Celebration of Discipline, Richard J. Foster's formative work on the spiritual life. Today Quan serves RenovarĆ© USAā€”founded by Foster in 1988ā€”as its executive director, bringing with her a wealth of experience ...

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