Support for Women Church Planters
How the Exponential Conference made me feel part of a tribe
Support for Women Church Planters
Image: Exponential

Loneliness is one of the greatest challenges church planters face.

Seven Key Issues Church Planters Face, a report prepared by Exponential, begins with these words: “Church planting is hard. Church planting is discouraging. Church planting is lonely. It is not for the ...

Lead Me On: God Doesnā€™t Want Our Good Behavior
He sees through the tactics we use to make ourselves look good.
Lead Me On: God Doesnā€™t Want Our Good Behavior

It’s hard to resist the idea that being a believer means being “good.” Sure, the Bible does tell us about how we should live, but it’s more than that.

Which puts us in the awkward position of making clear, cogent points about the Bible without falling ...

How I Spent 20 Years in Ministry Without the Bible
I called others to spiritual growth, but I remained unchanged.
How I Spent 20 Years in Ministry Without the Bible

The Bible was big in my home growing up. My spiritual heritage includes an aunt who pitched crusade tents in the middle of the countryside, preached Christ, and planted churches; uncles who pastored and preached; and a grandfather who taught preachers how to dissect the Word ...

Donā€™t Lose Sight of Scripture
How can we follow Christ if we donā€™t know how he wants to be followed?
Donā€™t Lose Sight of Scripture

"Help me, Jesus! I need you right now in my time of trouble.”

These are the strong words that fall off our lips as we cry out to our Savior, Jesus Christ, in some of the most trying times. As we are crying out, he is listening to every word we speak, weighing ...

How to Playfully Remember Godā€™s Story
Invite your congregation to experience Scripture
How to Playfully Remember Godā€™s Story

In thisseries, I’ve considered the importance of playing with Scripture and the significance of public Scripture reading as a time for communal remembrance of God’s actions in history. Now in this final segment, I’ll provide some practical ways to heighten ...

Playing with Scripture Helps Us Remember
Godā€™s people must never forget what God has done
Playing with Scripture Helps Us Remember

We don’t need examples of how we are forgetful people. I’m reminded of my forgetfulness every time I go to the basement and stand there because I’ve forgotten what I wanted to get. On occasion I’ve met people with impeccable memories, who remember ...

Playing with Scripture
Make the Bible come alive to transform worship
Playing with Scripture

“Play!” a theatre director once instructed me. “That’s why it’s called a play!” I can’t remember in which play I was told to play, but I was given freedom to play, and for me that was enough. I don’t know about you, but I love ...

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