How to Pray for Your Congregation
To support your people in prayer, focus on who God is
How to Pray for Your Congregation

When I helped my husband plant a church 30 years ago, I wanted to bathe the effort, and especially the people, in prayer. I felt that unless God was intimately involved in each person’s life, little we did would matter.

In the early days of our church, we were only ...

Using Your Head, Igniting Your Heart
Teaching others to love Godā€™s Word
Using Your Head, Igniting Your Heart

I love the Bible. I find it instructive and authoritative for my life. I find comfort and correction and challenge in the pages of God’s Word. I have a Bible on my phone, on my desk, and on my bedside table, and you probably do too. Years of seminary and ministry have ...

No Substitute for Scripture
The downside of inviting new Christians to church
No Substitute for Scripture

Your neighbor who has long avoided you is now eager to know what it means to follow Christ. She can no longer tolerate her life of pain. She’s admired your life from a distance and she wants to ask Jesus to come into her heart. You lead her through the sinner’s ...

The Habit of Keeping Divine Company
A warning against the overcrowded life
The Habit of Keeping Divine Company

A recent study on the habits of cell phone users reveals disturbing trends:

• 9 percent of U.S. adults are using their smartphones while they have sex.

• 35 percent are using their phones in a movie theatre.

• 33 percent are using them on a dinner date.

A Matter of Priority
Why you canā€™t be too busy for you
A Matter of Priority

Busyness has become a celebrated lifestyle today. If people aren’t busy, we think less of them. In Overwhelmed, Brigid Schulte writes, about time researcher Ann Burnett, who studies Christmas letters and notes the rise of people sharing about their busy lives over the ...

Lead Me On: I Love Me, I Love Me Not
What we think about ourselves matters
Lead Me On: I Love Me, I Love Me Not

Former NBC anchor Brian Williams has had a rough 2015, and last month it got worse.

His viewing audience was informed earlier this year that Williams lied about certain experiences he claimed happened to him during his time reporting in war-torn Afghanistan, and after several ...

Can We Really Be Like Christ?
Rethinking the incarnational ministry model
Can We Really Be Like Christ?

Jesus is the example par excellence of obedience and self-sacrifice held up to the church, but Paul also uses his experiences, and those of his coworker Timothy and his friend Epaphroditus, as examples of selfless service. In recent years, an attempt to connect the Christ ...

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