Iā€™m Rare: I Havenā€™t Been Harassed Because Iā€™m a Woman
But I have complicated feelings about that.
Iā€™m Rare: I Havenā€™t Been Harassed Because Iā€™m a Woman
Image: Rodion Kutsaev/Unsplash

I'm a rarely seen species: a woman in theology who has no sad stories to tell you about being harassed, roadblocked, or discriminated against. I've spent ten years in formal study of theology, but no one has ever made a snide remark to me about my gender. I've ...

The Struggle to Find a Mentor
If you still havenā€™t found your ideal mentor, consider these new models of mentoring.
The Struggle to Find a Mentor

If you were to imagine your ideal mentor, what would she be like?

Let me tell you about mine. My ideal mentor would be a woman, at least a step or two ahead of me in life. She would be wise, discerning, and nurturing. She would be devoted to Christ, with a contagious faith. ...

Three Ways to Simplify Advent
These proactive measures can keep you, and your team, from burning out.
Three Ways to Simplify Advent

Much has been written to the individual about how we should simplify holidays, but it gets a bit more complicated for those of us in ministry. We are, after all, responsible for other people whom we fear may be alone or neglected during the holidays. We also feel compelled ...

Troublesome Women Preachers
We join a long legacy of prophetic witness to the gospel.
Troublesome Women Preachers

Editor’s Note: This year for Thanksgiving, we want you to know that we’re thankful for you! For all the work you put in, for all the awkward situations you navigate, for all the hard messages you preach. Being a woman in ministry is not always an easy path. But you ...

Pastor or Director: Does Title Matter?
An honest look at what our titles communicate
Pastor or Director: Does Title Matter?

Several years ago, I had a breakfast meeting with an elder at my church. When the check came, I reached across the table to pay. But he refused and said, “I have a policy that I always pay for the pastor.” I laughed. “But I am not a pastor,” I said, using ...

Leadership Without a Title
We can learn from the influential life of Sarah Edwards.
Leadership Without a Title

How would you exercise spiritual leadership if you weren’t allowed to be employed by a church, teach publicly, or attend seminary?

Sarah Edwards (1710–1758), wife of famous colonial pastor Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758), lived with all these restrictions, ...

Communicate to Both Women and Men
Should we change our delivery so weā€™ll be heard?
Communicate to Both Women and Men

In her landmark book, You Just Don’t Understand, linguist and researcher Deborah Tannen, noted that women tend to use communication to connect and emphasize common ground, even from a young age. Men, on the other hand, more often use communication to compete, to assert ...

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