Ministry Is a Team Sport
Though my instinct is to isolate, Iā€™m learning to let others carry me.
Ministry Is a Team Sport
Image: Flickr/Parker Knight

According to Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, 30 to 50 percent of Americans are introverts. Perhaps this is one reason independent Christianity appeals to many of us. You know the type—the Jesus-and-me mindset ...

Leading in the Midst of Suffering
Iā€™d helped others through trials and struggles, but dealing with my own was a new challenge.
Leading in the Midst of Suffering


The doctor had just dropped the devastating news: my youngest daughter was not going to live. Only a few hours had passed since I stared in shock while fire destroyed my home with my little girl and her daddy caught inside.

Just breathe.

I struggled to pay attention as ...

Influence Across Gender Lines
Catherine of Siena is an unlikely example of bold leadership.
Influence Across Gender Lines

I feel a connection with Catherine of Siena, even though she lived in the 14th century. The first inkling I had that we might be kindred spirits was through a “Holy Week Personality Type” chart that imagined how the saints would fall on the Myers-Briggs personality ...

Tempted to Compare
One scan of social media left me feeling defeated.
Tempted to Compare

My husband and I decided the time had come to introduce new ministries into our church. We’d planted the church over a year prior, and we now had enough support to build specific ministries for women, men, and youth. We would start small, and grow in God’s timing. ...

God Calls All Women
But we donā€™t all have the same calling.
God Calls All Women

Understanding our identity in Christ gives us purpose. God has a specific purpose for each of us, a unique calling for each individual. Our shared and primary purpose is to become disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ. Our secondary callings are unique and are birthed out of ...

How Culture Affects Our Expectations of Leaders
Gender, ethnic, and socioeconomic biases affect how we lead and follow.
How Culture Affects Our Expectations of Leaders

All leaders have strong preferences, even about leadership, that are shaped by social and cultural location. Missiologist James Plueddemann states, “The ultimate purpose of the leadership is to bring people into full relationship with their Creator. We are created to know, ...

Make a Difference for the Kingdom
Whether or not your name eventually appears in history books, weā€™re all called to do our part.
Make a Difference for the Kingdom

Editor’s Note: As we wrap up Women’s History Month this week, we want to remind you that you have a valuable role to play in God’s plan—even if your name never appears in history books. Today we celebrate all the women who have fought the fight, lived ...

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