Making Space for Women Leaders in the Church
The day my bubble burst about women in ministry.
Making Space for Women Leaders in the Church

Being a woman in ministry has its perks—I take particular delight in surprising people. “Wait, you’re a minister?” they ask. “But you’re so [insert the quality that busted their expectations]!”

I’m an ordained Presbyterian minister, ...

The Problem with Self-Esteem
God offers a better way.
The Problem with Self-Esteem

According to author, researcher, and psychology professor Kristin Neff, the self-esteem movement was a bust. The issue with self-esteem, Neff says, isn’t in having it but in seeking it. “The problem is we're constantly comparing ourselves to others. We try to ...

Female Insights into the Christmas Story
Women bring unique perspectives when they teach the Word of God.
Female Insights into the Christmas Story

Shortly after I started my first job as a pastor, I was given the opportunity to be one of the first women in our church to preach in our Sunday services. To say I was intimidated by the thought of preaching in front of the entire congregation would be an understatement—I ...

Please Donā€™t Make Me Feel Used
Crossing the line between friendship and ministry
Please Donā€™t Make Me Feel Used

“I don’t know if you’ll be able to help me with this, Cara,” Amalia* said in a voicemail, “But I’d love your insight on something.” There was a pause. Then she asked me to call her back.

I was so grateful when we finally connected. An ...

Did I Hear God Right?
Just because you feel like a failure doesnā€™t mean you werenā€™t called by God.
Did I Hear God Right?

I first stepped on African soil nine years ago. I traveled to Ghana, West Africa, for a short-term mission trip, and my heart was changed forever. After my amazing experience, I longed to be a full-time missionary. When the timing seemed right, I left my career, sold my car, ...

5 Essentials to Build Trust in Your Ministry Team
Lessons from the life of Nehemiah
5 Essentials to Build Trust in Your Ministry Team

“Trust is the currency of leadership.” This popular axiom is especially true in the highly relational context of church leadership. To be effective in ministry, you need to earn the trust of senior leadership, peers, volunteers, and most importantly, your own team. ...

How to Teach the Bible So Others Understand
Whether youā€™re teaching about Godā€™s love or sovereignty, these four steps will prepare you to teach.
How to Teach the Bible So Others Understand

My phone flashed with a text as I began my day. “Hey. Can I come borrow some resources from you?” It was my friend Lisa, and she was preparing to teach a message to a large women’s study. I could tell she was nervous. “I’m teaching on the sovereignty ...

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