Three Days Post-Election: Pause Before You Pastor
Letā€™s make these five commitments together.
Three Days Post-Election: Pause Before You Pastor

We are just beginning to unpack the extent to which the nation and church is divided and polarized. There will continue to be an outpouring of analyses, rants, articles, posts, celebrations, and laments about this unusual election, and to be completely honest I am not sure what ...

Moving Forward After a Difficult Week
Unity may indeed be needed after the election, but itā€™s okay to grieve first.
Moving Forward After a Difficult Week

The shocking election results have created much conversation in Christian circles, especially among women leaders. Some are feeling grief, shock, and even fear. Moving forward in a healthy way requires that we first allow ourselves to experience those emotions, sitting with ...

Rise Above the Double Standard
Women leaders are forced to find an impossible golden mean between too much and not enough.
Rise Above the Double Standard

In a previous ministry, I had a fairly standard and polite disagreement over email with a coworker. It wasn’t heated or contentious, just a discussion about how to use a Greek word. I copied the others from our earlier meeting to keep them in the loop.

“Tough emails, ...

Bring Your Full Self to the Table
When we allow God to use our full identity, amazing ministry can follow.
Bring Your Full Self to the Table
Image: Nate Meeds

Do you ever find yourself wondering how you ended up in full-time ministry—but can’t imagine yourself doing anything else? Have you ever looked back at the threads of your life and marveled at the seamlessness of God’s handiwork and precision, time and time ...

Ministry as a Young Mom
3 ways to minister well as you adjust to a new normal
Ministry as a Young Mom

Last week I averaged five hours of sleep a night, attended a meeting wearing a shirt that was covered in what I hoped was drool, and received a text message from my babysitter that my daughter had rolled over for the first time—and I wasn’t there to see it because ...

Overcoming Gender Bias
Melinda Gates on how to be a successful woman leader
Overcoming Gender Bias
Image: Courtesy of the Gates Foundation

I did something the other day that I immediately regretted. Worse, it was in front of my 2-year-old daughter. I had come down with a nasty head cold that turned into a nasty chest cold, and my daughter, who already shows an incredible amount of empathy, looked at me with concerned ...

13 Tips for Women Church Planters
Beyond where to plant and what strategy to use
13 Tips for Women Church Planters

When planting a church, many leaders focus on the plethora of organizational decisions that must be made. For instance, how will you prepare yourself: seminary training, extensive reading, studying church planting strategies, or an apprenticeship? You’ll also need to decide ...

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