How to Be the Elephant in the Room
Is it possible to be yourself, or should you become ā€œone of the guysā€?
How to Be the Elephant in the Room

Esther is my hero. Thankfully, I’m rarely called to put my life on the line by entering a king’s presence uninvited. I do, however, often look to Esther for courage when I am called to step into rooms where I don’t feel comfortable.

Last week I received an invitation ...

The Most Important Thing to Do When You Start with a New Team
Donā€™t skip this critical first step.
The Most Important Thing to Do When You Start with a New Team

Stepping into a new leadership role can bring a rush of excitement. When God provides an opportunity, my natural inclination is to jump in full force. In my eagerness to get started, however, I may overlook the critical first step—developing an atmosphere of trust within ...

The Power of Women Helping Each Other
Follow the example of Harriet Tubman.
The Power of Women Helping Each Other

My mother was the chair of the Black History Month Committee, which meant I was enlisted in the school's program. One year, we had a wonderful play which highlighted major figures in African-American history. I put a scarf on my head and a long skirt, a blouse, and an old ...

You Are Needed
The church—the entire body of Christ—needs women leaders.
You Are Needed

I remember our conversation like it was yesterday.

“Have you ever thought about being a pastor when you grow up?” Pastor Mylinda leaned over and asked, pointing to the people and the building around us. “I could see you doing what I do.”

I looked at her ...

Live Your Calling: A 40-Day Devotional for Women Leaders
A brand-new resource designed especially for you
Live Your Calling: A 40-Day Devotional for Women Leaders

If you like sneak peeks, we’ve got a big one for you. In the next few weeks, Gifted for Leadership is getting a modern update to better reflect our mission. I’ll post more about the specifics later, but in the meantime, you can get a first look by checking out our ...

Top 16 Articles of 2016
A snapshot of what we're all about.
Top 16 Articles of 2016

Every year at this time, we take a look back at the top articles of the year. I always enjoy this task, but this year I’m especially proud. The top articles represent what we’re all about: a diverse group of women leaders talking about important issues that women ...

Overlooked: When Women Are Passed Over for Leadership
Research suggests a reason for this phenomenon beyond the glass ceiling.
Overlooked: When Women Are Passed Over for Leadership

In a recent article for the Harvard Business Review, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, CEO of Hogan Assessment Systems and professor of business psychology, looks beyond the familiar theories for why there are not more women in management positions (e.g., lack of capability, lack of ...

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