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Jonathan Edwards on the New Reformed Movement
A posthumous Out of Ur interview.
Ur Video: Ed Young Jr. says "U.B.U."
The importance, and humor, of originality.
Praying For The Weekend: Shane Claiborne
What is the link between prayer and social activism?
Ur Video: Miroslav Volf on Public Faith
How can Christians engage the public square to encourage flourishing?
The Phil Vischer Podcast: Ep 5- Guest Os Guinness
Evangelicals, politics, and the decline of the American empire with Os Guinness.
Ur Video: David Platt on Ranking Who is Radical
Is comparing radical living healthy or unhealthy?
Pastors are Fatter, Sicker, & more Depressed
What does it say when those at the center of the church are the least healthy?
Ur Video: Tired of Tithing?
A new survey finds most pastors don't believe Scripture requires giving 10 percent.
Ur Video: Skye Jethani on Consumerism vs. Activism
How a life of radical mission and selfish consumption both miss the Gospel.
The Phil Vischer Podcast: Ep 18- Free Speech, Bad Science, & Christian Art
The crew brings you a "podcast potluck" of topics from the headlines.
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