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Pastors, There’s a Ministry in Staying Put
One of the best gifts you can give your church is not leaving too soon.
Was I Betraying My Church by Interviewing Elsewhere?
Seasons of pastoral transition are conflicting—and they should be.
Pastors, I Think You Should Use ‘I Think’ Less Often
Preaching God’s truth from the pulpit doesn’t require equivocation.
Two Hundred People Left Our Small Church
So we called our missing sheep, and found four main reasons that suggest four actions.
Strategies for Preaching to the Polarized
How can our sermons bridge the division of our contentious moment?
‘All the Light We Cannot See’ Reminds Me to Look for God
The novel and Netflix show explore scriptural themes of light and dark—and the cosmic reign of Christ.
Would Tim Keller Care If We Weren’t Still Talking About Him? Probably Not.
For all his greatness, we should most seek to imitate the late pastor’s humility and indifference to fame.
It’s Good When Bad Pastors Make Us Mad
I’d rather media and literature portray Christian leaders who stir up anger instead of apathy.
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