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15 Preaching Best Practices
Tips from great preachers that make a difference in the pulpit
My Top 10 Church Planting Tips
A new planter reflects on living a year of wise advice.
5 Lifetime Lessons from My First Year of Preaching
Understanding the shift in perspective and identity as the lead pastor.
Introducing Lent to Your Congregation
It starts with your example.
What’s the Deal with Lent?
Skepticism about this season is based mostly on myths and misconceptions.
Food Is the New Sex (Part 1)
Diet used to be a matter of personal preference and sexuality was governed by strict morality. For Millennials the dynamic has reversed.
Preaching in Church Plants
Practical tips from 4 church planters for your first year.
Food is the New Sex (Part 2)
Diet used to be a matter of personal preference and sexuality was governed by strict morality. What does that trend mean for pastors?
My Unusual Preaching Feedback Team
The impact five dead prophets have on my sermon preparation each week.
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