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Why Every Christian Is Called to Support Adoption
Abba changes everything.
Mark Hatfield Changed My Life in Three Minutes
The senator bucked easy categories, even in citing a simple verse.
The Gospel at Ground Zero
The horrors of 9/11 were not unlike those of Good Friday.
A Purpose-Driven Cosmos: Why Jesus Doesn't Promise Us an 'Afterlife'
Jesus Christ embodies the meaning of life, the goal of history, and the pattern of the future.
The Empty Tomb and the Emptied Urn
What the wounds of Jesus can — and can't — tell us about our resurrection bodies.
Chuck Colson and the Conscience of a Hatchet-Man
What's behind the snarky obituaries and media retrospectives infuriating many Christians.
The Gulf of Mexico and the Care of Creation
We exercise dominion over creation not only when we use it, but also when we conserve it.
Pat Robertson Repudiates the Gospel
The broadcaster's advice to divorce an Alzheimer's patient is more than an embarrassment.
Farewell, Cultural Christianity
How a changing landscape can strengthen our witness.
The Pink Ribbon and the Dollar Sign
The wrong lessons to draw from the Komen-Planned Parenthood debacle.
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