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How to Wait for a Slow-Moving Messiah
Advent, says author Enuma Okoro, teaches us how to wait on a God whose timetable looks nothing like ours.
The Church Deserves Better than Ugly Decorations
Neither Granny’s castoffs nor HGTV trends belong in church buildings.
The History We’d Prefer to Forget
Why we pass on pain to the next generation.
Are We Too Busy to Truly Live?
God invites us to trade our hurried, hectic schedules for rich and holy rhythms.
Open Circle
A journey out of church clique life
A New Chapter in the Homeschooling Movement
Homeschooling families will thrive if they work together, not maroon themselves on separate islands.
Is It a Sin to Look Your Age?
How 'old is cold' stifles true beauty.
Stop Turning Thanksgiving into a Facebook Like
Biblical gratitude is far more than an attitude.
Holy Hot Flashes! A Spiritual Take on Menopause
How the mysterious life stage changes a woman's capacity to nurture others.
A Christian Woman's Midlife Crisis
With the guidance of older, wiser mentors, women can face the existential angst of midlife hoping for a new identity in Christ, one stripped of status and comfort.
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