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Capital Concerns
Economic uncertainty leads churches to rethink their fundraising plans with surprising results.
'My Life Is a Testimony'
With faith and compassion, Ashley Smith convinced an alleged killer to surrender. But her real miracle started years earlier.
How to Avoid Calendar Collisions
Practical ways to schedule church events
The Best Seats in the House
How chairs stack up against traditional sanctuary seating.
Mobile Ministries
Hit the road in style, safety, and comfort on a bus designed for your church needs.
Space Restrictions
Before investing in a building campaign, make the most of the room you've already got.
Francis Chan's Crazy Love
Why this pastor's church gives away half its budget
Furnish It and They Will Come
How to create a kid-friendly environment in your church.
What Jordan Taught
Who knew God would use my GameBoy-playing son to show me more about himself?
A Woman Called Job
After losing two children to a rare disease, Nancy Guthrie has become a spokesperson for finding God's hope in the midst of suffering.
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