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Jesus Wants an Awkward Thanksgiving Dinner
Why extending the table involves an uncomfortable hospitality.
What the Hygge Trend Tells Me About True Comfort
I like warm socks, coffee, and a cozy fire. But real, sustainable self-care involves something unexpected.
Let Them Bake Cakes
The Great British Baking Show teaches me about offering and receiving friendship in a fractured world.
Robbers, Lawyers, and Neighbors
The Trayvon Martin case highlights our broken desire to justify ourselves.
The World Next Door
When the church embraces its refugee neighbors, blessings flow both ways.
What 'The Hunger Games' Taught Three Millennials
But does Katniss actually endorse the Hunger Games?
Art of Darkness: Angelina Jolie’s Latest Film Succeeds at Personalizing Genocide
What "First They Killed My Father" tells me about suffering and the imago Dei.
How to Celebrate Christmas as a Cultural Minority
Christians abroad and Muslims at home helped me find the holy day in the holiday.
How Government Support Saved Me
Signing up for food stamps changed my view of poverty in America.
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