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Competing with the Communication Kings

Our listeners know us, trust us, and see in us lives that largely back up what we preach. That accomplishes more than mere homiletical skills ever can.
— Haddon Robinson

Your sermon ends, and you're pleased with it. Then someone from the congregation approaches with a beaming smile.

"Nice sermon, Pastor. Say, did you hear Charles Stanley on television this morning? He has been preaching on grace for several weeks. Powerful messages! He says that …"

The church member means well, but you can't help but feel people are comparing you — unfavorably — with someone who is a ten-talent preacher, a communication king.

When I was in seminary, celebrated preachers spoke in our chapel and at local conferences: Harry Ironside, Vernon McGee, Roy Aldrich, Stephen Olford, Ray Stedman. After hearing these preachers, others were inspired. But I walked out of the service wanting to quit. I remember once reading a sermon by Peter Marshall and literally weeping in frustration because I could not produce a sermon ...

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