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What Leaders Are

To embark successfully on a career involving leadership demands courage. Once a person has decided the part he wishes to play in life, and is assured he is doing the work for which he is best endowed, and is satisfied that he is filling a vital need, then he needs the courage to tackle the problems he must solve.

The pastor of any church wears many hats. The smaller the church the more hats worn. Effectiveness is determined by how well they fit and whether the pastor is able to choose the appropriate hat for each responsibility.

For example, each pastor's hat rack includes that of preacher, pastor, administrator, counselor, and fund raiser, to name just a few.

One of the most important hats, however, is that of leader. Leadership is necessary for any church to grow and penetrate the community. Why? Because leadership is what enables an organization to bridge the chasm between where it is and where it should be. Crossing the Red Sea, passing through the desert, or facing any immediate difficulty, ...

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