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A Marriage of Literature and ... Burritos?

And other items of interest from ministry and culture.

Author Jonathan Safron Foer is no stranger to innovative prose. And a new partnership with restaurant chain Chipotle is taking his wordsmithing to a new audience: burrito eaters everywhere. While Foer was eating (book and smartphone-less) at a Chipotle one day, the thought struck him: "What if there were something truly good to read on his … cup? Or the bag? Wouldn't it be cool to just put some interesting stuff on it? Get really high-quality writers of different kinds, creating texts of different kinds that you just give to … customers as a service." He contacted the company with the innovative idea. They liked it.

Liked it so much, in fact, that Foer is now working with the company to organize the delivery of top-notch prose, by literary luminaries like Foer, Malcolm Gladwell, Toni Morrison, and others, to the otherwise recyclable surfaces of a burrito wrapper near you. Score one for literature, innovation, and the ability of a person with creativity ...

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