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Seasons Change

How I plan my preaching emphases throughout the year.
Seasons Change

Have you found yourself asking the daunting question, "What should our next series of sermons address?"

Our planning team faced that decision every four to eight weeks. As a result, we developed a preaching calendar that has given us a built-in system for determining our series. We identified nine categories that we feel are critical to a balanced preaching calendar.

1. Spring

The big hook. We begin our preaching calendar with Easter. Since the holiday brings once-a-year visitors, we feel we need something to draw them back the next Sunday.
Topics: adversity, heaven and hell, decision making, stress

Relationships. With Mother's Day beginning and Father's Day ending this category, we offer biblical help to promote good relationships.
Topics: family, friendship, love, dating, marriage, children

2. Summer

Creatively linked random topics. This category connects stand-alone messages with a common theme, usually two 5-week series. This accommodates our sporadic summer attendance patterns.Topics: ...

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