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How Churches Can Reach Young Men

What it takes to minister to a group not always connected to church. An interview with Bill McCartney, president of Promise Keepers.

Q: What do today's young men want?

McCartney: Young men today have a tremendous burden to make a difference in their world, but culture tells them that Christ is irrelevant and "uncool." The world is seducing young people out of the churches. Soon, we'll look around our sanctuaries and there will be nobody there under age 30, and we'll wonder what happened.

Q: That's a painful prediction. What causes you to say that?

A: Young men today have been bombarded by the culture's messages their entire lives. It's gotten into their brains and under their skin. Many of them have rejected the idea of a single, objective truth. The only thing they trust is their own experience. Self-fulfillment is their main goal in life, and they "know" that any path to happiness is as good as any other.

Q: Some people have said that this generation of young people is actually more spiritual than other generations. Do you see signs of that?

A: I think there are signs that young people feel a void, and many of them recognize ...

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