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Journey Through Spiritual Depression

Lessons from Elijah.

Depression can sneak up on people as insidiously as November fog, chilling the heart and even sapping the will to get out of bed in the morning. Christians are not immune to depression. However, many Christians feel guilty and ashamed to talk about this issue, thinking that spiritual people should never feel depressed. But spiritual depression is a recurrent theme throughout Scripture. One example is the prophet Elijah who, despite his great faith, fell into depression, going from the mountain top to the valley.


Elijah had experienced one astonishing miracle after another. God had sent ravens to feed him. Elijah, a widow, and her son were miraculously provided for during drought and famine. Elijah even raised the widow's son from the dead! Then Elijah called down fire from heaven while confronting a group of antagonistic idol-worshippers. As a result, there was a sweeping revival in the nation.


The last thing we would expect is for Elijah to fall into depression, ...

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