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Growing Edge

His latest book reveals the methods to his consulting madness.

Will anybody buy that new Lyle Schaller book, The Interventionist (Abingdon, $14.95, 205 pp.)?" asked Dr. Shepherd, pastor of the historic First Church, blowing steam from his coffee. "I mean, how many people plan to do what Schaller does?"

"Plenty," replied Stella Whyel, "including me. As an intentional interim, intervene is my middle name. And, Shepherd, if you don't do something soon, historic First will become, well, history."

"I've already read the book!" chimed in Ona Weigh, with flying doughnut crumbs punctuating her remarks. "Schaller's convinced me to seek my next call differently—more like a consultant than an applicant."

Showing off, Ernie Points, rector of Shepherd of the Hummock, tossed out some figures: "Did you know that this year, approximately seven thousand Protestant churches will hire a consultant, and the demand will increase fivefold before 2025?"

"Get outta here! How do you know that?"

"Schaller ...

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