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After a Suicide

What's the best way to serve those left behind?
After a Suicide
We are highlighting the top 40 articles that Leadership Journal has published in its 36 years, and this one generated a strong and positive response. More than 35,000 people in the U.S. take their lives each year, and experts expect the suicide rate to increase. After writing this article, Randy Christian told us, "The comment I hear over and over from pastors and caregivers is, 'You don't know how helpful it is just to be able to discuss the subject of suicide openly.' " We think those are reasons enough to bring you this article again.

Perhaps this hasn't happened to you, but it has certainly happened to others.

The secretary hands you a note. Emergency, it says. Call home.

Your throat is dry as you punch the buttons on the phone in your office. When your spouse answers after a single ring, the hello seems scared, forlorn, raw from crying.

Two minutes later you hang up the phone. Your hand is trembling. Your throat feels swollen. All you can do is stare at the wall. ...

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