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The preaching of the gospel and the act of worship are two of the principal functions of the church. To be effective, the pastor or leader must be familiar with both the purpose and the techniques of preaching and worship. The following books offer many insights and practical suggestions on these two subjects.

Abbey, Merrill R. Communication in Pulpit and Parish. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1980. An explanation of the communication process and how to best use it in communicating the gospel.

Anderson, Ray S., ed. Theological Foundations for Ministry. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978. A presentation of the theological basis for ministry issues, including preaching and worship.

Baumann, J. Daniel. An Introduction to Contemporary Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1972. A study of how to use communication and the truth of the Scriptures to bring about change in the lives of people.

Blackwood, Andrew W. The Fine Art of Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1976. A book in the style ...

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