Church Leadership
Check the Mirror, Pastor – After Five Years, Your Church Looks Like You
Like it or not, most churches follow Jesus the way their pastor follows Jesus. The smaller or newer the church, the more it’s true.
Check the Mirror, Pastor – After Five Years, Your Church Looks Like You
Image: Konstantinos Koukopoulos | Flickr

Show me a spiritually healthy church and I’ll show you a spiritually healthy pastor. Show me a spiritually unhealthy church and I’ll show you a spiritually unhealthy pastor.

If you’ve been the pastor of your church for five years or longer, it’s time to ...

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Church & Culture
What Will the Church Do When the Freaks and Weirdos Show Up?
The Bible is thick with commands to welcome the stranger. But just how strange are we willing to welcome?
What Will the Church Do When the Freaks and Weirdos Show Up?
Image: Craig Sunter | Flickr

Our churches are filled with normal people.

Normal to us, that is. Normal like you and me.

The church is also filled with freaks and weirdos. Some churches are filled with freaks and weirdos sporting tattoos and piercings. Others are filled with freaks and weirdos in suits and ...

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Church Leadership
12 Principles for More Effective Ministry Team Meetings – In Any Size Church
How to get the most out of planning meetings. Including overcoming the biggest hurdle for scheduling them in small churches.
12 Principles for More Effective Ministry Team Meetings – In Any Size Church
Image: Book Lin | Flickr

I don’t like meetings.

Planning meetings, board meetings, staff meetings, committee meetings…

If I could jettison one aspect of pastoring, that’s what I would get rid of.

So why do I have them? Because, when done well, ministry team meetings are an essential ...

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Christian Unity
Imagine a World Without Megachurches
Megachurches and small churches aren't in competition with each other. At least we shouldn't be.
Imagine a World Without Megachurches
Image: Trubble | Flickr

What would the world look like if all the megachurches disappeared tomorrow? Would it be a better place? Or worse?

I propose it would be worse.

But, by the way some of my fellow small church pastors talk (and the way I used to talk), you’d think that if all the megachurches ...

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Innovative Ministry
4 Ways to Discover and Capitalize On Your Church’s Unique Voice
If you're copying another church, you’re not being the church God called you to be. And the kingdom of God is poorer for not having your voice in it.
4 Ways to Discover and Capitalize On Your Church’s Unique Voice
Image: Kevin Dooley | Flickr

What kind of culture does your church have?

For many years, the denominational tag told people everything they needed to know before they walked in the door. And not just theologically. Even the style of clothing and music were similar throughout each denomination.

In recent years, ...

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Church & Culture
The Church Needs Better Critics (9 Ways to Win Hearts, not Just Arguments)
As Christians – especially Christian leaders – our criticism should elevate the conversation, not debase it.
The Church Needs Better Critics (9 Ways to Win Hearts, not Just Arguments)
Image: Juhan Sonin | Flickr

Criticism is a valuable tool.

When it’s done right it can, and has, changed hearts and minds.

Martin Luther did it with his 95 Theses. Martin Luther King Jr. did it with his I Have a Dream speech. Long before both of them, Jesus did it with the Sermon On the Mount.

Criticism ...

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Why Stories Matter More than Stats In a Small Church
As a church grows larger, statistics matter more than opinions. When a church is smaller, opinions matter more than statistics.
Why Stories Matter More than Stats In a Small Church
Image: RJ | Flickr

When did all the preachers become statistics junkies?

I can’t remember the last church leadership book or seminar that didn’t emphasize the value of setting goals for your church, then using some kind of metric to determine whether-or-not we are succeeding at reaching ...

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Church Leadership
Pastoring a Church Between 100 and 200 Without Going Crazy
Some Dos and Don’ts for surviving and thriving in the awkward, in-between world of 100 to 200 in church attendance.
Pastoring a Church Between 100 and 200 Without Going Crazy
Image: Alan Levine | Flickr

Most small church pastors are shepherds.

It’s not our choice, it’s our calling.

There are good reasons for pastors of large churches to move from the shepherding/pastoring model to the ranching/management model. But most pastors aren’t called to be ranchers or ...

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Christian Unity
5 Principles Small Churches Can Learn From Megachurches
Small churches are uniquely different from megachurches. But that doesn't mean we can't learn from each other.
5 Principles Small Churches Can Learn From Megachurches
Image: Alan Levine | Flickr

Small churches are not scaled-down versions of megachurches.

We’re different, not just in size, but in methodology. A lot of what works in big churches just won’t work in smaller ones. And vice versa.

But there are some overlapping principles. Starting with the scriptural ...

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Christian Unity
5 Principles Megachurches Can Learn From Small Churches
Healthy small churches have characteristics that make them work. And many of them can work in big churches, too.
5 Principles Megachurches Can Learn From Small Churches
Image: Darrell Birkett | Flickr

Small churches receive a lot from our megachurch friends. We read their books, sing their songs, use their curriculum and attend their seminars. And we’re grateful.

But the benefits don’t have to flow only one way. There are important, though less obvious principles ...

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If It’s Okay for a Church to Be Small, Why Do I Feel So Bad When It Is?
For all my hard-working, prayerful, wise, loving peers who woke up on yet another Monday morning wondering “what am I doing wrong?”
If It’s Okay for a Church to Be Small, Why Do I Feel So Bad When It Is?
Image: Jeffrey | Flickr

I had another one of those Sundays, recently. We started church with more people on the platform than in the congregation. Well, almost.

Sure, it’s summer. People have good reasons to be gone. But it still feels awful.

But why? I’m the small church guy, after all. ...

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Church & Culture
4 Steps to a Friendlier Church (The G.I.F.T. Plan)
Genuine friendships are becoming more rare – and thus, of greater perceived value – than any other aspect of modern church life.
4 Steps to a Friendlier Church (The G.I.F.T. Plan)
Image: Joris Louwes | Flickr

No church is automatically friendly. Especially not to outsiders coming in.

In some places, friendliness is harder than others. Like where I live, in Orange County California.

The Orange County population is so varied, so new and so busy, we don't develop relationships without ...

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Church Growth
Perry Noble, NewSpring Church and Our Obsession with Numbers
Our numbers obsession continues to leave victims in its wake. Now Perry Noble and the tens of thousands of members of NewSpring church are on the list of walking wounded.
Perry Noble, NewSpring Church and Our Obsession with Numbers
Image: Image from PerryNoble.com

I don’t want to pile on. Honest I don’t. So I pray this post doesn’t come across that way.

I was sad when I read the news about Perry Noble being asked to step down from NewSpring church this past weekend. I still am. (If you haven’t heard about it, catch ...

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The Essential First Step to Having a Healthy Small Church
The biggest problem with small churches is not that they’re small. It’s that we think being small is a problem. 
The Essential First Step to Having a Healthy Small Church
Image: imanka | Flickr

In my last post, Grow It or Close It? Is there a Third Option for Struggling Small Churches?, we established that a struggling small church can become a healthy small church.

But there’s an inevitable question that follows. Namely, how?

How do we help a church move from ...

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Church Growth
Grow It or Close It? Is there a Third Option for Struggling Small Churches?
We need to assemble and promote the best ideas we can find to help struggling small churches become healthy small churches.
Grow It or Close It? Is there a Third Option for Struggling Small Churches?
Image: David Amsler | Flickr

What are we going to do about all those struggling small churches?

That question has been the subject of endless hand-wringing in the last several decades. A lot of time and money has been invested in conversations, books, seminars and classes attempting to fix this problem.

Struggling ...

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