Church Leadership
5 Simple Steps to Recruit Volunteers In a Small Church
It's hard to disciple people when you can't even find volunteers. This simple process can help small churches do both better.
5 Simple Steps to Recruit Volunteers In a Small Church

The primary calling of the pastor is to equip God’s people to do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).

But it’s hard to do that when you can’t find any volunteers.

It’s one of the questions I get asked a lot – especially when I’m teaching ...

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Church Leadership
Why I Don’t Go to the Bible to Find Sermon Material
When we treat the Bible like a collection of sermon texts, we can lose the wonder and the beauty of it.
Why I Don’t Go to the Bible to Find Sermon Material
Image: Lauri Rantala | Flickr

God’s Word is not a collection of sermon notes.

It’s not a text book, a rule book, or a collection of inspirational quotes.

That’s why I never go to the Bible to find a passage to preach on for Sunday’s sermon.

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Christian Unity
6 Things Church Leaders Need to Know About Small Churches
Big churches matter. Small churches matter. When we work together, Jesus can do amazing things through us.
6 Things Church Leaders Need to Know About Small Churches
Image: Thomas Rousing | Flickr

Ninety percent of the churches on earth are under 200 people. Eighty percent are under 100. There may be no segment of the church that is more normative. But they may also be the most misunderstood.

Here are six truths about small churches that I wish every church leader knew ...

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Church & Culture
Big Cities Need Great Small Churches, Too
Alongside big churches, we need an explosion of smaller, niche churches to infiltrate neighborhoods and challenge us to think differently.
Big Cities Need Great Small Churches, Too
Image: Pedro | Flickr

Small churches aren’t just for small towns.

There are thousands of small churches in big cities and sprawling suburbs, too.

But there aren’t enough of them.

Yes, you read that right. The problem with the church in big cities isn’t that we have too many small churches, ...

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Christian Unity
The 10 Percent Grace Rule: Judging Without Being Judgmental
As Christians and as consumers of content, how do we balance wise discernment with forgiveness and grace? 
The 10 Percent Grace Rule: Judging Without Being Judgmental
Image: Manel | Flickr

I’m going to say something stupid soon.

So will you.

When it happens, I hope people will give both of us the benefit of the doubt and assume the best of us, instead of the worst.

Since I hope to be the beneficiary of such grace, I try to live my life by giving the same grace ...

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Church & Culture
Ministering to Millennials by Leveraging the Relational Power of Healthy Churches
We need to lean away from the church-as-business model and into the church-as-relational-community model. Love God and love others.
Ministering to Millennials by Leveraging the Relational Power of Healthy Churches
Image: Rainier Martin Ampongan | Flickr

Millennials won't build the kinds of churches their parent and grandparents built.

Because Millennials are not a homogeneous demographic group, as we established in my last post, there is no secret key to unlock their heart and grab their attention.

In a world of unlimited ...

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Church & Culture
Why Millennials Won't Build the Kinds of Churches their Parents Built
We can't treat Millennials as a homogeneous group. We have to minister to them as individuals, instead.
Why Millennials Won't Build the Kinds of Churches their Parents Built
Image: Todd Huffman | Flickr

Millennials defy categorization. But that doesn’t stop us from trying to categorize them, anyway.

Especially for Baby Boomers like me. We love categorizing people. It makes ministry easier. Simpler. Safer.

You know, boring.

As I wrote in Why Church Leaders Will Never Understand ...

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Christian Unity
No, Our Church Doesn't Sing New Music to Appeal to Nonbelievers
Our church's song list is not an evangelism tool. It's meant to glorify God and involve the saints in worship.
No, Our Church Doesn't Sing New Music to Appeal to Nonbelievers
Image: frankieleon | Flickr

Oh, the worship wars.

Just when you think they’re gone for good, they pop up again.

The debate is no longer raging, but it's not over. Probably never will be.

  • Old music v new
  • Hymns v choruses
  • Choirs v worship teams
  • Organs and pianos v guitars and drums

The subject came up ...

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Small Church Ministry
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Looking Ahead
Small churches are a vital component of the most powerful force for goodness the world has ever seen.
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Looking Ahead
Image: David DeHetre | Flickr

Imagine how different the world would look, if

  • over billion people
  • transformed by the gospel of Jesus
  • strategically placed by the hand of God
  • in groups averaging 30 or so
  • tucked into every corner of the world

decided to really say “yes” to God.

Small churches are a vital ...

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Small Church Ministry
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Three Reasons We’ve Missed This
The stubborn, historical persistence of small churches is something God has done without our noticing it, and in spite of the fact that many of us have fought against it.
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Three Reasons We’ve Missed This
Image: Paul Kitchener | Flickr

How can one billion people be doing something without the world standing up to take notice?

More specifically, how can one billion people be doing something within a very narrowly defined niche, and the leaders in that niche not value it?

But that’s what has happened in ...

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Small Church Ministry
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Fan the Flame
Let’s encourage, connect and equip innovative small church leaders as each one plays their part.
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Fan the Flame
Image: Emilio Kuffer | Flickr

How can we activate the astonishing power of small churches?

As we’ve already seen in the previous two posts in this series (here and here), over one billion people worship Jesus in small churches tucked into every corner of the globe. What could we possibly do to light ...

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Small Church Ministry
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Strategic Placement
Small churches may be the most overlooked, under-appreciated and underutilized asset on earth. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Strategic Placement
Image: apasciuto | Flickr

Over one billion people choose to worship Jesus in small churches.

But the astonishing power of small churches is not just about the numbers. It’s about strategic placement.

This is where our small size becomes our advantage.

Small churches have found their way into every ...

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Small Church Ministry
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Over One Billion Served
This is the first in a five-part series that will dramatically alter the way we see small churches and their kingdom potential.
The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Over One Billion Served
Image: ▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓ | Flickr

More than one billion people choose to worship Jesus in small churches.

Yes, you read that right. One billion plus.

This has massive implications for the church, the world and how small churches see their role in the kingdom of God.

So many implications, that I’ll be writing ...

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Innovative Ministry
The World Needs a Better Ironing Board (Yes, This Is About the Church)
We need to introduce people to Jesus. And we need to get rid of anything that makes that task harder than it ought to be.
The World Needs a Better Ironing Board (Yes, This Is About the Church)
Image: greg | Flickr

What models and methods are we clinging to that make the basic functions of the church harder than they should be?

Serving Jesus isn’t supposed to be easy. Christ told us we had to take up our cross daily. But Jesus made the gospel as accessible as possible. Too easy, according ...

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Small Church Ministry
Why Don’t Small Churches Grow? (Actually, They Do)
The presumption that small churches don’t grow is false. Some grow numerically. Most grow spiritually. Many grow in both ways.
Why Don’t Small Churches Grow? (Actually, They Do)
Image: Jean | Flickr

Why don’t small churches grow?

When you run a website, as I do with NewSmallChurch.com, you get to see the search terms people use to find it.

That question is one that pops up all the time. So today I’m going to take a stab at answering it. But before I offer my answer, ...

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