Church Leadership
Church Members Don't Want a Hero, They Want a Pastor
According to an informal poll, church members' expectations for their pastors are healthier and more balanced than you might think.
Church Members Don't Want a Hero, They Want a Pastor
Image: Julen | Flickr

If you asked a few hundred church members from multiple churches what characteristics they were searching for in a pastor, what do you think they’d say?

You don’t have to wonder. Thom Rainer asked that question a while ago and published the top ten responses on his ...

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Innovative Ministry
Innovative Churches Do This – Imitators Miss It
Don't copy the churches you admire. Learn from their principles. Then extend them into places that only your church can go.
Innovative Churches Do This – Imitators Miss It
Image: Courtney Carmody | Flickr

Have you ever been to a vibrant church and wondered ‘what do they have that we don’t have?’

It may seem like 90 percent of what they’re doing is what your church is doing. But they’re vibrant, healthy and alive, while the church you’re from ...

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Innovative Ministry
5 Massive Changes Coming to Your Church (If They’re Not Here Already)
The good news of Jesus never changes. But the way people receive that news is changing. Fast.
5 Massive Changes Coming to Your Church (If They’re Not Here Already)
Image: Sookie | Flickr

Have you ever wondered why virtually every church leader is constantly writing and speaking about change? Including me?

Because we live in the fastest-changing culture ever. Change is not just an ocassional reality. It’s the water we’re swimming in.

For instance, every ...

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Church & Culture
Is 'Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy the Service' Killing the Church?
We’ll never become biblically active communities of life-transformation until church leaders let go of our please-the-consumer mindset.
Is 'Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy the Service' Killing the Church?
Image: marc cornelis | Flickr

It sounds so inviting and innocent.

“Sit back, relax and enjoy the service.”

But that may be one of the most dangerous sentences regularly uttered in church.

I expect promises of great customer service in a restaurant, an airplane or a store. But the idea that church ...

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Church Growth
Why Church Growth Is a Shockingly Inexact Science
Have you ever wondered why some mistakes will stop the numerical growth of one church, but not even slow another one down?
Why Church Growth Is a Shockingly Inexact Science
Image: Eric Skiff | Flickr

Why won’t my church grow!

Have you ever wondered that? Me too.

After all, it’s not like we haven’t tried. And there are plenty of people offering us seemingly surefire help to bring growth. Every day there’s another blog post with a list of Seven Reasons ...

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Innovative Ministry
Culturally Relevant or Contextually Real, Part 2: More than Semantics?
When a term becomes so misunderstood that it loses its value, it needs rewording. We may be there with cultural relevance.
Culturally Relevant or Contextually Real, Part 2: More than Semantics?
Image: Guian Bolisay | Flickr

Sometimes you write something and you know people don't care much about it, because nobody responds. Other times you write something and you know people don’t care because they tell you they don't care. Vigorously.

Last week’s post on the difference between ...

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Small Church Ministry
I Don’t Like the Same Small Churches You Don’t Like
The problems most people have with small churches aren’t about size, they’re about sickness. And sickness can happen in churches of any size.
I Don’t Like the Same Small Churches You Don’t Like
Image: Lord Jim | Flickr

"I don’t like small churches.”

Yes, people have said that – and things like it – to me.

I get that small churches aren’t for everyone. But saying “I prefer big churches” is the way most people state it.

To tell a small church pastor ...

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Church Leadership
9 Things I Love to Hear In a Sermon
After thousands of sermons, you stop being impressed by the flash, and you start noticing the essentials.
9 Things I Love to Hear In a Sermon
Image: Alex Holyoake | Flickr

I've heard thousands of sermons. Good ones and bad ones.

I've preached thousands of sermons. Good ones and bad ones.

When you hear and preach that many sermons, you stop being impressed by the flashy things that don't matter and you start noticing the fundamental things ...

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Church Leadership
The Church Does Not Exist to Entertain Us – Or Bore Us
Jesus never bored people with the gospel. But entertainment was never the point. Truth was the point. And truth is never boring.
The Church Does Not Exist to Entertain Us – Or Bore Us
Image: torbakhopper | Flickr

I don't go to church to be entertained.

I also don't go to church to be bored.

  • I go to worship.
  • I go to read and hear from God's word.
  • I go to be taught.
  • I go to be challenged.
  • I go to be discipled.
  • I go to fellowship with other believers.
  • I go to be inspired into action.
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Church & Culture
Forget Being Culturally Relevant – The Church Needs to Be Contextually Real
Chasing relevance makes our churches look the same in ways we should be different – from each other and from the culture.
Forget Being Culturally Relevant – The Church Needs to Be Contextually Real
Image: kumprinx | Flickr

I don’t care if the church is culturally relevant.

No, I don’t want us to wallow in some old-time, glory days that probably never were. But cultural relevance is not the answer.

As I wrote in Six Church-and-Culture Issues I Don't Care About Any More, it’s ...

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Church Leadership
Pastoring Shouldn't Be this Hard (With 4 Steps to Make It Easier)
Our obsession with numerical growth may be the unseen culprit behind a lot of burnt out pastors and unhealthy churches.
Pastoring Shouldn't Be this Hard (With 4 Steps to Make It Easier)
Image: Randen Pederson | Flickr

Pastoring is hard work. But should it be this hard?

According to a post by Philip Wagner, Peter Drucker said that the four hardest jobs in America are:

  • The President of the United States
  • A university president
  • A CEO of a hospital
  • A pastor

(UPDATE: Please note the disclaimer about ...

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Church Leadership
People Won't Commit to the Church Any More? Don't You Believe It
The way people make commitments is changing. Unhealthy churches whine about it. Healthy churches do something about it.
People Won't Commit to the Church Any More? Don't You Believe It
Image: Rick Harris | Flickr

Recruiting and keeping church givers and volunteers is harder than it used to be.

People keep saying it, so it must be true, right?


If I was ever tempted to tell pastors to quit whining about something, this is it.

Here’s how the party line goes: It used to be fairly ...

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Small Church Ministry
Overcoming the Small Church Easter Sunday Blues
Many small churches prepare for Easter Sunday under an unseen burden.
Overcoming the Small Church Easter Sunday Blues
Image: timlewisnm | Flickr

The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest event in history.

But Easter has an unseen downside for many small churches.

Right now, all around the world, churches are excitedly preparing for Easter Sunday. Lilies are being arranged, Passion Plays are being staged, Easter eggs being ...

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Christian Unity
What’s Better? 10,000 In One Megachurch Or 10,000 In 100 Small Churches?
The work of the Holy Spirit in neither enhanced nor diluted by the size of the crowd.
What’s Better? 10,000 In One Megachurch Or 10,000 In 100 Small Churches?
Image: Florian Plag | Flickr

“How can you possibly say that a church of 100 is as valuable as a church of 10,000?”

Yes, I was actually asked that question.

I ignored the insult and answered it this way: I’m not saying that a church of 100 is as valuable as a church of 10,000. Or vice versa. ...

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Church Leadership
9 Things I Love to See When I Visit a Church
I don't need a Hollywood-level production, just a genuine, healthy expression of worship and fellowship.
9 Things I Love to See When I Visit a Church
Image: Alex Grech | Flickr

I’ve been in the church all my life. Literally.

On the first Sunday I was alive, I was in a baby basket beside my mother as she played the piano in my parents’ tiny, store-front, start-up church.

In recent years, I’ve worked with churches of virtually every denomination. ...

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