
Thoughts on Artificial Insemination
That They May Be One
The Word for This World
Emil Brunner and the Bible
Luther’s Doctrine of Inspiration
The Prayer of the Five Widows
An account after the Auca ambush in Ecuador, from CT's seventh issue.
Judgment on the Christian West
The Reformation and the Common Man
How we began to remember that all humans are basically and fundamentally equal.
Changing Climate of European Theology
We have been placed by God in an extremely exciting time—an era charged with tension.
Biblical Authority in Evangelism
I had many doubts about the Bible. Now I see Scripture as a flame that melts away unbelief.
Why ‘Christianity Today’?
The vision that has animated this magazine from the beginning.
The Gospel of Matthew
An eye-witness received special grace and guidance from the Holy Spirit to give a faithful account of information received from other sources.
Evangelism and the Sacred Book
Karl Barth and Billy Graham are both rescuing the Bible from Liberalism. But their views on Scripture differ dramatically.
Review of Current Religious Thought: October 15, 1956
What British theology journals are saying.

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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