
Waiting for the Light in Hitler’s Prison
A reminder of God’s faithfulness amid great darkness from Hanns Lilje, a Christian leader imprisoned in Nazi Germany.
From Egypt, Into Eternity
The plight of Mary and Joseph echoes through generations
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Hinduism
Recommendations for gaining a more nuanced perspective of the faith of 1.2 billion.
Appreciating the Art of Divine Surprise
Scripture is full of stories inspiring awe. Are we allowing ourselves to be astonished?
Friends Are Your Family of Faith—and Your Spiritual Comrades-in-Arms
Rebecca McLaughlin takes the topic of friendship beyond warm and fuzzy feelings.
Put ‘Mas’ Back in ‘Christmas’
The holidays are overwhelming. As a Christian and an introvert, I take refuge in church.
His Law Is Love and His Gospel Is Peace
A Palestinian Israeli Christian reflects on Christmas, justice, and war in Gaza.
A Muted Christmas in Philippine City After ISIS Attack on Churchgoers
The small Catholic community in Marawi has weathered ongoing threats in the Islamic city.
Christianity Today in 2023: Our Top News, Reviews, Podcasts, and More
A year in review of our most read articles and favorite stories.
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Sikhism
Must-reads for those eager to learn the origins, development, and tensions within a faith common to many Punjabis.
Christmas Doesn’t Need Saving
Holiday specials remind us of a salvation we already have.
Filthy Night, Fetid Night
I picture a clean, sweet Nativity scene. But Jesus chose to come to a dirty, broken world.
‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Evokes the Sacred Worth of Underdogs
Charles Schulz’s improbable holiday special echoed his own acquaintance with lowliness.
Can We Consume Character? How to Learn Justice by Feasting
Deuteronomy offers a surprising method for becoming just disciples.
This Christmas, Let’s ‘Lie Flat’ and Rest
Chinese churches need to be aware of the spiritual cost of busyness for celebrating Jesus’ birthday.
How Asian Artists Picture Jesus’ Birth From 1240 to Today
Through Nativity art, the Word takes on flesh across diverse Eastern cultures.
The Best Books for Understanding Islam and Connecting with Muslim Neighbors
Five regional scholars offer their recommendations for Christians.
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Islam in Southeast Asia
An Australian academic gives his recommendations for reading up on the world's second largest religion.

Top Story July 28, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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