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Why Christians of All People Should Get Their Vaccines
For the love, folks.
The 5 Most Common Anti-Vaccine Arguments
With responses from a family doctor.
Jen Hatmaker: You Need Less, Not More
How to resist the pressure to have more, do better, and be liked
Oxford's Unapologetic Female Apologist
Amy Orr-Ewing proclaims the faith, once the bedrock of Britain, to an audience wanting more than rationalism.
Meet the Women Apologists
Apologetics has long been a bastion of men—until now.
The Upside of Shame
Honor and shame dynamics can shape everything from evangelism to fundraising to family relationships.
Andy Crouch: The Return of Shame
From online bullying to Twitter takedowns, shame is becoming a dominant force in the West. Thankfully, the Bible is full of language about shame. It's just that most Westerners don't see it.
Why Black Churches Are Keeping Millennials
The reasons are rooted in history.
Why Your Millennial Outreach Needs a Bit of Bonhoeffer
Millennial anxiety sabotages attempts to engage the next generation. Dietrich explains why.
Pop Francis: Why Everyone Loves the Pope
From secular journalists to charismatic Christians, millions are taken with the Jesuit from Argentina.
Is This the End for Mideast Christianity?
For Mideast Christians, 2014 has been a year of bloody disaster. Are these churches on the edge of extinction?
InterVarsity's Plan for a Culturally Diverse Staff
The campus ministry has pioneered intentional, personalized training for Asian American leaders.
Eugene Cho Leads the Quest for a Reconciled Church
The Seattle pastor believes Asian Americans need to speak out about race in America.
Asian Americans: Silent No More
Asian American Christians are growing in influence and audience. Will they be embraced by their broader church family?
Why Can't Men Be Friends?
Men and women alike increasingly say they are lonely. It doesn't have to be this way.
33 Under 33
Meet the Christian leaders shaping the next generation of our faith.
Why I Gave Up Alcohol
In a rush to shed our separatist past, have young evangelicals forgotten to love their neighbors?
Forgiving the Sins of My Father
How he taught me the deeper meaning of mercy.
Surprised by N.T. Wright
The Bible scholar's goal is to massively revise the way we talk about the Christian faith. By many accounts, he's already succeeded.
Hacking the Bible
Inside the world of the new Bible coders—and how they will change the way you think about Scripture.

Top Story July 20, 2024

In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.

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