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Quick To ListenEpisode 247|1 hr
Christian Nationalism Is Worse Than You Think
Millions of Americans believe in this political ideology. What church leaders need to know—and how they can help those under its influence.
His Eye Is on the Pastors
God sees and watches (as do others), which is both a comfort and a caution as pastors navigate their calling.
Wisdom during the Pandemic
Gratitude for science's many hard workers in a world of ingratitude
Pastors More Reluctant to Preach on Race
Though most still address the topic in sermons, preachers report more pushback from their congregations over the past four years.
Where Is the Gospel in God’s Judgments on the Nations?
How to find the good, true, and beautiful in passages that seem anything but.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Gloo
2021 Church Outreach Jumpstart
Is your church ready for 2021? In this 3-part series, you'll get practical strategies your church can use to reach more people and put your best foot forward in the New Year.
Is Allegiance needed for Virtuous Character?
The church as a polis shapes virtue through allegiance to the king
No només s'ha atacat el Capitoli
Donald Trump, el caràcter i les conseqüències de les conspiracions.
Quan les profecies polítiques no s’acompleixen
La Bíblia inclou falsos profetes i profetes veritables les paraules dels quals van acabar sent falses.
The Art of PastoringEpisode 10|24min
2020 Rattled Our Call to Ministry
Ronnie Martin and Jared Wilson discuss the questions that come after a year that left pastors exhausted.
Humoring the President Was Not Harmless
As a little leaven works through a loaf, indulging deceit led to disaster at the Capitol last Wednesday.
CultivatedEpisode 10|46min
Timothy Dalrymple: My Vision for Christianity Today
The chief content officer of CT talks about advancing the global church through the work of storytellers and sages.
What Trump-Supporting Pastors Preached After the Capitol Attack
Sermons mentioned national divides, condemned violence, and applauded police—and some did not reference the event at all.
After Binging on the Internet in 2020, We Need a Major Knowledge-Diet Overhaul
Brett McCracken applies food-pyramid principles to our habits of media consumption.
Women's Ordination Begins in Genesis 1-3
William Witt analyzes a complementarian reading of Genesis 1-3

Top Story June 25, 2024

You Can Love Rap, Jesus, and the Color Pink
You Can Love Rap, Jesus, and the Color Pink
The first female artist on Lecrae’s label, Wande talks to CT about being a woman in Christian hip-hop and how the genre can be an entry point for learning gospel truths.

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