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À medida que o evangelicalismo cresce na América Latina católica, também cresce o secularismo
Um acadêmico colombiano avalia a situação do movimento, cerca de 150 anos após a chegada dos primeiros missionários protestantes.
Noel’in Kurtarılmaya İhtiyacı Yok!
Bayram gelenekleri bize zaten sahip olduğumuz kurtuluşu hatırlatıyor
De l’Égypte à l’éternité
Le sort de Marie et Joseph nous touche de génération en génération…
This Hindu Leader’s Favorite Bible Verse
Why Goswami Sushilji Maharaj loves Romans 12:10, 13.
This Bahá’í Leader’s Favorite Bible Verses
Why A. K. Merchant loves Isaiah 2:1-5
The Baby Jesus Taught Us How to Scream
From the cradle to the cross, Christ in his humanity showed us how to cry out. In him, a not-so-silent night is a holy night all the same.
Le Prince de la paix n’appellerait-il pas au cessez-le-feu ?
Un chrétien palestinien israélien réfléchit à Noël, à la justice et à la guerre à Gaza.
Из Египта в вечность
Трудные обстоятельства Марии и Иосифа видны и через поколения.
Pull Together Now
George Clooney’s “The Boys in the Boat” is a nostalgic true story for a divided America.
Surprised by Freud
A new movie, “Freud’s Last Session,” imagines a dialogue—and a friendship—between the famed psychologist and C.S. Lewis.
This Buddhist Leader’s Favorite Bible Verse
Why Budh Sharan Hans loves Colossians 3:23-24.
De Egipto a la eternidad
La difícil situación de María y José resuena a través de las generaciones.
이집트에서 영원으로
여러 세대에 걸쳐 울려 퍼지는 마리아와 요셉의 역경.
Waiting for the Light in Hitler’s Prison
A reminder of God’s faithfulness amid great darkness from Hanns Lilje, a Christian leader imprisoned in Nazi Germany.
From Egypt, Into Eternity
The plight of Mary and Joseph echoes through generations
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Hinduism
Recommendations for gaining a more nuanced perspective of the faith of 1.2 billion.
Promised LandEpisode 1|47min
Promised Land: It’s Complicated
What happened on October 7 changed everything for Israelis. We visit Kfar Aza to understand why.
20 наиболее читаемых статей Christianity Today на русском языке за 2023 год
Скончался Тим Келлер, которого называли пастором Нью-Йорка; чего стоило одному из российских пасторов его выступление против путинского вторжения в Украину; в каких странах труднее всего следовать за Иисусом.

Top Story July 24, 2024

He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
Most ministers were silent about Watergate. Why was one evangelical pastor different?

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