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Re-engineering the Seminary?
Crisis of credibility forces change.
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet (b)
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
Reaching the First Post-Christian Generation
Raised in a world of MTV, AIDS, and a trillion-dollar debt, Generation X is making new demands on the church
Mixing Politics and Piety
Christian talk radio's high-wireless act is soaring. But without strong accountability structures, it could lose its balance.
Selling Out the House of God?, Part 1
Bill Hybels answers critics of the seeker-church movement.
Selling Out the House of God?, Part 2
Bill Hybels answers critics of the seeker-church movement.
And God Created Pain
A world-famous surgeon’s appreciation for the gift nobody wants.
The Myth of Racial Progress
African-American church leaders speak out on white apathy, black anger, and the way of reconciliation.
Can Evangelicalism Survive Its Success?
For 50 years our churches and institutions have flourished in the American marketplace. Our challenge now is to make sure we do not rob the gospel of its power to convict and convert.
Churches Enlist in the War on Drugs
Mark Hatfield on Beyond Containment: A New Vision for Superpower Relations
Envisioning a new day in relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
The Abortion Wars: What Most Christians Don’t Know
Ours is not the first generation to fight for the unborn.

Top Story July 17, 2024

CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
How the look and feel of the magazine have changed with the times.

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