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Complementarista em casa, igualitarista na igreja? Paulo aprovaria.
As maiores passagens do Novo Testamento sobre papéis de gênero podem ter mais a ver com casamento do que com ministério.
After Taiwan’s Powerful Earthquake, Christian Aid Groups Work to Rebuild Lives
On an island where Buddhist disaster relief is prominent, Christians work with churches to care for children and families.
Gereja di Indonesia Memerangi Kerawanan Pangan
Musim kemarau panjang mengancam kehidupan petani di desa Kemadang hingga lumbung padi yang dikelola gereja memberi harapan.
Kuartet Kebangkitan English
La fin du monde est bien là (mais pas comme certains le pensent).
Notre quête de signes apocalyptiques corrompt notre lecture de l’Apocalypse.
Would Jesus Overturn Your Board Table?
I served on the RZIM board. Christians in many leadership roles can learn from my failures.
Being HumanEpisode 12|45min
Putting Beauty into the World with Charlie Peacock and Andi Ashworth
How creativity rises from painful places.
A violência doméstica é alarmante no Brasil. Como os pastores devem reagir a ela?
As estatísticas revelam que três em cada dez mulheres no país já sofreram abusos em algum momento da vida. Teólogos e líderes ponderam sobre como transformar as igrejas em lugares seguros para as vítimas.
Vamos trazer a modéstia de volta para a Internet!
Sim, ganhamos um público, mas expusemos demais nossa alma.
Qui était vraiment la première apôtre ?
Touchée par la grâce, Marie Madeleine a une histoire à nous raconter.
Died: Joseph Kayo, the Kenyan Leader Who Revolutionized Worship in East Africa
His Pentecostalism put him at odds with many but the Deliverance Church founder stood firm in his convictions “to bring back the glory of God back to the Church in these last days.”
Vietnam’s New Religious Decree Further Burdens Local Churches
Pastors and religious liberty advocates worry the government’s effort to manage religion will bring tighter control.
Domestic Violence Is Rampant in Brazil. How Should Pastors Respond?
Statistics reveal that three out of ten women in the country have experienced abuse at some point in their lives. Theologians and leaders weigh on how to turn churches into safe places for them.
Andrew Peterson: ‘No Teachable Moments’
The writer of the best-selling children’s book series The Wingfeather Saga hopes season 2 of the television adaptation “will be taken as a story first.”
New Atheism Finally Learns How to Destroy Christianity
Richard Dawkins’s cultural “Christianity” could hollow out our faith far more efficiently than straightforward attacks.
Nos lugares em que a fé dos Boomers está em baixa, a crença da Geração Z está em alta
O que quase 20 mil pessoas, em 26 países, acreditam sobre Deus, Satanás e o sobrenatural.
The Bulletin Episode 76|54min
I Wear Suits Now
The House GOP majority slips, Christians learn civility, and Bernie proposes a four-day work week.
Holy CuriosityEpisode 6|44min
Shechem BONUS: Historical Interpretation with Beth Allison Barr and Sandra Glahn
Kat welcomes biblical scholars Beth Allison Barr and Sandra Glahn to process the interpretations of the early theologians.

Top Story July 19, 2024

Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.

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