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Religious Complexity Produces Shallow Faith
A.W. Tozer and other wisdom from The MacDonald Files.
Waiting for the Bombs
How a young pastor braced his people in the fear-filled days before London's Blitz.
The Tradition Temptation
Why we should still give Scripture pride of place
Don't Read the Bible 'Alone'
Christopher Hall talks about how evangelicals should approach the church fathers
Ancient Christian Commentary on Current Events: What Is War Good For?
What early church leaders thought of Christians and the military
Bones of Contention
Why I still think the James bone box is likely to be authentic.
Biblical Archaeology's Dusty Little Secret
The James bone box controversy reveals the politics beneath the science
You Are What You Were
Past events are still shaping our behavior today
History Is Not Bunk
We've got to break free of our historical amnesia
Top Ten New Testament Archaeological Finds of the Past 150 Years
"How do shrouds, boats, inscriptions, and other artifacts better help us understand the Christ of the Ages?"
What Do the Stones Cry Out?
Beware of claims that archaeology disproves—or proves—the Bible is true
Listening to the Fifth Gospel
The sun-baked ruins of the Holy Land have a story to tell
A high-caliber film shows how messy it was when Luther helped change the course of history
Why We Dig the Holy Land
"If biblical archaeology is not reinvigorated, Scripture-illuminating evidence will remain buried in the Middle East"
Finding God in Small Groups
Tom Albin's doctoral research reveals why the Wesley's system worked so well
Ossuary Questions Remain
Israel Antiquities Authority says brother of Jesus inscription is a forgery, but supporters say its report may be flawed
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Gallery - The Inklings
Tolkien relished his weekly meetings with this club of remarkable friends.
The Unluckiest Church
Archaeologist predicts the future is grim for the ancient church's site
70 Effective Resolutions
I'm Dreaming of a Victorian Christmas

Top Story June 28, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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