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For Sentimental Reasons
How the emotional stories of Christian preachers and writers shaped a movement.
Into the Wonder
You won't understand the genius of C. S. Lewis's literary criticism, satire, science fiction, and theological essays until you spend time in Narnia.
Interview with a Penitent
How Anne Rice moved from fascination with vampires to renewed faith in Christ.
C. S. Lewis Superstar
How a reserved British intellectual with a checkered pedigree became a rock star for evangelicals.
Squeezing the Reader's Heart
Ted Dekker sees himself as a reverse missionary.
The Orthodox Avant-Garde
Armed with traditional faith, these Christians subverted the establishment, putting secular ideas under the microscope of the eternal.
A Jewel of a Writer
Bret Lott is a true-blue evangelical who writes literary fiction that New York takes seriously (and that Oprah loves).
The Poet Who Remembered
Poland (mostly) honors Czeslaw Milosz upon his death.
James Lee Burke is a Cowboy with a Conscience
The author of In the Moon of Red Ponies discusses rejection, perseverance, and the call to write.
A Curious Contingency
Confessions of a wordsmith.
Celebrating Faith in Writing
A dispatch from Calvin College's biennial event.
Simply Good Writing
The Best Christian Writing 2004 is an eclectic sampling from the spectrum of Christianity.
Holy Johnson and the Ethiopian Church
Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God, said the Psalm. Yet racism in the mission churches clouded that vision. James Johnson (1836-1917) offered a solution.
The Brilliant Career of Joseph Kiwanuka
Over the protests of a divided church, the scholarly Ugandan priest became the first African Catholic bishop. Just three years after his death, 12 more Africans would follow in his footsteps.
Sidebar: African Family Values
William Wade Harris was one of several indigenous Christian leaders who took an open approach to polygamy. They cited social conditions and biblical support.
A Hunger For Holiness
East Africa's second generation Christians faced that age-old spiritual problem - dullness of hearts. Simeon Nsibambi's message of a victorious life sparked a revival that continues today.
Good & Evil in Middle-earth
The characters are mythic, but the epic sweeps across a Christian moral landscape.
Father of Epic Fantasy
Scores of authors have paid Tolkien the highest homage - imitation.
Genius with a Message
Every piece in Chesterton's immense body of published work bears the imprint of his soul.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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