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Answering the Call
Before taking a call as a pastor, ponder these three considerations.
Listening to the Voice of God
6 distinguishing marks of divine discourse.
Jesus at the Movies
The Audacity of Dreams
(Some) Sinners Welcome
Can a church embrace those on the margins without excluding its core?
When Things Get Ugly
What's a leader to do when followers are revolting?
Before You Introduce Change
Vision casting isn't step one, or even step two.
Recalibrate Your Life
Leader's Insight: 2008 More Questions
Leadership Weekly readers take up Gordon MacDonald's election year challenge.
Leader's Insight: 2008 Questions
What I really want to know from the candidates before I make my choice.
Keep Asking
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find; and to those who knock, the door will be opened.
Nudity in Church
Leader's Insight: What's In a (Church) Name?
Our historic church finds renewed meaning in a new name (and in the slow process of changing it).
Children's Ministry: Interview and Evaluate Volunteers
Get the right people in your children's ministry.
Leader's Insight: Managing Up
Achieving your vision—and your boss'—at the same time.

Top Story July 4, 2024

Theocracy Is Not the Enemy of Pluralism
Theocracy Is Not the Enemy of Pluralism
God’s rule is inherently true and doesn’t require that we force it on anyone.

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