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Getting the Story
Why journalism is not just a profession for us.
Marilynne Robinson, Narrative Calvinist
John Calvin has given the Pulitzer Prize-winning author a way of seeing that imbues her novels with the grandeur of God.
There's Power in the Blood
On the heels of the Twilight Saga's success, Christian novelists are tapping the riches of vampire mythology.
The Darker Side of 'A Christmas Carol'
The Dickens classic is not just charming. It's also brutally realistic about the world, then and now.
The Mushroom Hunt
How to find a good biography.
Let us Tell You a Story
Recovering the lost spiritual discipline of reading biographies.
The Coen Brothers' World
The sibling filmmakers are asking the Big Questions.
Donald Miller: Make a Better Narrative
The author of Blue Like Jazz on his new book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, and the risks of over-spiritualizing it.
Be. Do. Write.
Donald Miller reflects on what it's like to have your life become a movie script.
Creating a Tear-Jerker Ending
Donald Miller hints at what to expect from his upcoming book.
The Changing Face of Apologetics
Lee Strobel doesn't think the traditional methods work anymore.
Jesus and the Terminator
Biblical allusions run throughout the series.
My Top 5 Fiction Books for the Soul
The Men Behind the Myths
Short profiles of Olaf Stapledon, Erich von Däniken, Ray Kurzweil, Freeman Dyson, and Lee M. Silver.
Sci-Fi's Brave New World
How the genre draws us to its own views of redemption.
Keeping St. Nick, the Man Not Myth, Alive
More and more churches are finding ways to practice the St. Nicholas story.
Hero Worship
The Dark Knight perpetuates America's hero confusion.
Mutiny and Redemption
The men who seized the Bounty nearly destroyed themselves while trying to create an earthly paradise. Then one of them discovered the Bible.
Prodigal Son
A third-generation Chinese Christian describes his journey from persecution to Communism to faith.
Found in Space
How C. S. Lewis has shaped my faith and writing.

Top Story June 28, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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