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The Gospel Truth
Luther believed that music has the power to teach Christian doctrine. He put this belief into practice with his catechism hymns.
Singing the Word of God
Protestant reformer Martin Luther planted the seed that grew into a rich musical tradition culminating in Bach.
On Earth as It Is in Heaven
What is the role of the government? Can we build a Christian society in this world? Protestant Reformers Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Bucer, and John Calvin all grappled with those questions—and came up with different answers.
Young, Restless, Reformed
Calvinism is making a comeback—and shaking up the church.
It's All About God
A brief summary of Calvinism.
Calvin's Battle for Marriage
Studying Geneva's sexual reformation has lessons for today.
Erasmus's Revolutionary "study Bible"
Erasmus's Revolutionary 'Study Bible'
The spiritual father of so many English Reformers died at the hands of the church he refused to leave.
Signs of the Reformation's Success?
Reformation scholar Timothy George discusses Pope John Paul II's historical significance and this 'momentous' era of Catholic-evangelical dialogue.
A People of Conscience
How America's plain people first arose in Europe as a discipleship movement repressed by the state church.
Turning Point: Luther's Lost Opportunity
At Marburg, the last hope of a united Protestantism ran aground on the Last Supper.
The Bible Alone? Not for John Calvin!
When we seek answers to churchly and societal issues in the Bible alone, citing the Reformation principle of sola scriptura, we are actually contradicting the Reformers.
The Habits of Highly Effective Bible Readers
What we can learn from the church fathers that will enrich our own Bible study.
The African Apostles: Did You Know?
The rapidity of Africa's twentieth-century baptism was stunning. There's no better place to see the future of the global church.
Did the Reformers Reject Copernicus?
Some defenders of secular science say they did. What's the real story?
The Christian Face of the Scientific Revolution: Christian History Interview - Natural Adversaries?
Historian David Lindberg shows that Christianity and science are not at war - and may never have been.
Thomas Aquinas: Christian History Interview - He's Our Man
Evangelicals can embrace a rich inheritance from Aquinas.
Modern Pioneers: Philip Schaff
Father of American church history
Battle For the Past
As traditions clashed during the Reformation, history became hotly disputed territory.

Top Story June 29, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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