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EDITORIAL: Blinded by the ’Lite’
Dying modernity is into spirituality. What does this trend portend?
Reaching the First Post-Christian Generation
Raised in a world of MTV, AIDS, and a trillion-dollar debt, Generation X is making new demands on the church
SIDEBAR: X-ing the Church
ARTICLE: Testing the Spiritualities
Biblical discernment in an age of therapies.
Exploring Bonhoeffer's Writings
Some of his works are little known. Some are fictional. But all are provocative. Here's a brief guide.
Heloise and Abelard's Tumultuous Affair
She became an acclaimed abbess; he was one of the greatest philosophers of the medieval world. Yet their fabled love deeply damaged them both.
Candid Camera
1272 Thomas Aquinas Concludes His Word on Summa Theologiae
The massive treatise set forth a theological system so influential it has been declared eternally valid.
The Puritan Critique of Modern Attitudes Toward Money
Puritans are often charged with having been the origin of modern attitudes toward money. Upon scrutiny, the things ascribed to Puritans turn out to be secularized versions of something that the Puritans only accepted in a context of supreme allegiance to God and obedience to Christian moral standards.
Meeting of the Minds
Jan Amos Comenius and Rene Descartes
Knowledge: The Road to Peace
As Comenius saw it, education was the best way out of the Thirty Years War.
John Wesley and the Eighteenth Century World: Christian History Timeline
One hundred years of turmoil, change, and innovation that laid a foundation for our own day.
Hume’s Heresy: Believing Is beyond Knowing

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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