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The Future Lies in the Past
Why evangelicals are connecting with the early church as they move into the 21st century.
The Earliest Mere Christianity
Before creeds, even before an official New Testament, there was the Rule of Faith.
The Mission of the Trinity
Singaporean theologian Simon Chan says 'missional theology' has not gone far enough.
U2 Rocks the House (of God)
Bono inspires worship with an edge.
Lent for the Non-Liturgical
More than Saving Souls
Simon Chan on the ontology of the church, salvation, and liturgy.
A Cornucopia of Thanksgiving Ideas
Don't let this important holiday get lost in the avalanche of Christmas planning.
How We Worship
An ambitious new book takes us into the diverse world of Christian worship practices from the early church to today.
March Madness: What a Fan and a Foreigner Learned from a Basketball Liturgy
“I wonder if that's how people who don't go to church feel the first time they visit somewhere.”
Leader's Insight: Leader's Lessons from March Madness
What a fan and a foreigner learned from an annual basketball liturgy.
'Hymn for Easter Day'
Charles Wesley's 'Christ the Lord Is Risen Today' brings alleluia's historical significance to modern audiences.
Holy Ground
One of the most visible practices among the American Anabaptists, the Brethren love feast exemplifies humility and community.
Taking Care of (Church) Business
More was decided at the Council of Nicaea than the nature of Christ.
Do You Know Whom You Worship?
Did the Nicene Creed distort the pure gospel, or did it embody and protect it?
Changes and Challenges
The Council of Nicaea and its bitter aftermath
The Final Act
It took almost 60 years for the church to make Nicaea its standard of faith.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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