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In Perspective: What's the Difference Between Shi'ah and Sunni?
"With a history of persecution and belief in martyrdom, the Shiite Muslim majority in Iraq may be more receptive to Christianity."
Weeping over Baghdad
"Desert Storm cost Iraq thousands of lives. At its conclusion, a Christianity Today editorial called for the church to deal with the living souls that remained"
War Could Reduce Holy Land's Christian Presence
Palestinian bishop fears current hostilities could continue a trend that sees Christians forced out of the area altogether.
Where Do We Go From Here?
"Now that the bombs are falling, we'll need to repair Iraq—and our nation's moral standing"
Peacemakers Seek to Show War from Point of View of Iraqi Civilians
Six Christian Peacemaker Team members remain in Iraq as bombs drop
India: Machete attack on American alarms local Christians
"Hindu militants threaten to expel evangelists, stop conversions"
Under suspicion
Hong Kong's Christians fear antisedition measures will curb religious liberty
Chinese Puzzle
Things are changing for China's church
Pastor Wanted for Wedding. No Religion Required.
"In Japan, couples want a Christian-style wedding—without the religious meaning"
Weapons of the Spirit
"Regardless of their positions on Iraq, Christians have much they can do"
Iraqi Christians' Path of Persecution
"Not heresy hunters, nor Islamic purges, nor even Mongol hordes could wipe Christianity from Iraq"
Standing for Peace on the Eve of War
Christian group seeks nonviolent solution in Iraq.
Gujarat Religious Survey Troubles Indian Christians
Government of Indian state says it has been gathering statistics on the minority at the behest of federal officials
War Isn't Being Waged From the Pulpit
Most clergy avoid blanket statements on war.
War Cry
"As 1991's Gulf War began, a Christianity Today editorial said the church's best weapon was tearful prayer"
What George Bush's Favorite Devotional Writer Says About War
"War is the most damnably bad thing, wrote Oswald Chambers"
The Ethics of Desert Storm
What Christianity Today said during the U.S.'s first war with Iraq
The Iraq War Has Little Effect on the Rapture Index
The founder of an online end times speedometer says that other current events are more connected to biblical prophecy.
The End Is Not Yet
"The president of Dallas Theological Seminary says there will be an increase in wars and rumors of wars before the end times, but date setting should not be a priority for evangelicals."
Evangelicals Plan to Minister to Iraqis' Needs—Physical and Spiritual
"Evangelism efforts will join relief work, say Southern Baptist Convention and Samaritan's Purse"

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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