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Big Idea Loses Suit
Jury says creator of VeggieTales owes $11 million to ex-distributor
"Prayer, Incorporated"
Growing numbers of businesses count intercessors as a corporate asset
Evangelicals Advise on Muslim Dialogue
"But hastily called meeting fails to include Franklin Graham, Falwell, and Robertson"
Going It Alone
We should take heed when much of the world says it distrusts us
Federal Judge Rules Parts of Church Land-Use Law Unconstitutional
Groups plan to help Elsinore Christian Center appeal zoning case
Working Poor, Dropped from Tax Cut at Last Minute, May Be Helped After All
Biblical principles of justice support a graduated, progressive tax system in which those with more wealth pay a larger share
Did Martin Die Needlessly?
Gracia Burnham believes her husband would be alive today if someone had paid the proper ransom—but mission agencies wonder how many other missionaries would have been kidnapped as a result
Faith-Based Lite
Administration still seeks 'revolutionary' change
Mystery Illnesses
"Under 1996 law, medical workers are prohibited from contacting churches about hospitalized members"
Vanity Watch
We can do better than merely mirror the naïveté of our enemies
Does Lawrence v. Texas Signal the End of the American Family?
"Evangelicals may not agree on antisodomy laws, but they're all concerned about what the Supreme Court's decision of them means"
Malawi Muslims Riot Against Christians
"Seven churches, Save the Children offices attacked after deportation of suspected members of al Qaeda."
The Supreme Court Rejects Natural Law
It's now up to the churches to guard what is graven on the heart of man
"While Critics Worry About Continued FCC Deregulation, Christian Broadcasters Have Little to Fear"
"The few mom-and-pop religious stations remaining won't feel a significant change, say observers"
Prolife Groups Respond to Conviction of Antiabortion Extremist
James Kopp faces 15 years to life for crime
Battling Bigotry
Widow seeks to stem growing tide of hate crimes
Denomination Thwarts Bankruptcy
Anglicans cut a deal regarding residential schools abuse suits
Free Speech for Politicians
God-talk in the public square is healthy
The Bush Doctrine
The moral vision that launched the Iraq war has been quietly growing in the President's inner circle
Babylon upon a Hill?
Religious thinkers debate how America should use its unrivaled influence

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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