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Blessed Are the Courageous
When it comes to immigration policy, let's remember who we're talking about.
Lord, Send Us
A Kaleidoscope of evangelists
Military Culture War
Armed services debate prayer 'in Jesus' name.'
Statistical Illusion
New study confirms that we go to church much less than we say.
The Tiger in the Academy
Asian Americans populate America's elite colleges more than ever—and campus ministries even more than that.
Go Figure
Recent stats on evangelical happiness and views on euthanasia, and violent Americans.
Stepping to Success
One reason Randy and Paula White's Without Walls is one of the country's fastest-growing congregations.
Failed Compromise on Gay Rights
Dobson-backed bill scuttled by Left and Right.
Forcing the Church Books Open
One financial disclosure bill was killed in Massachusetts, but the debate lives on.
Martyrs to the Spear
Fifty years after five missionaries were murdered in Ecuador, their story still inspires.
Gay Rights Group Targets Christian Colleges
Schools' responses to Soulforce's Equality Ride will vary widely.
Loving the Storm-Drenched
We can no more change the culture than we can the weather. Fortunately, we've got more important things to do.
Senator Sam Brownback
The Kansas Republican speaks on prolife issues, Darfur, and care for the poor.
Word and Deed, Again and Again
Five months later and counting, Katrina continues to change the lives of both victims and volunteers.
Costly Complaints
Southern Baptist pastor claims blog criticism led mission board to recommend his removal.
The Almost Formerly Important
Lessons of the old mainline for the new mainline.
A Corrupt Salvation
Charismatic archbishop accused of exploiting women for sex.
Too Inclusive
Church loses building after members flee pastor's universalism.
Bondage Breaking
Bill boosts fight against sex and labor trafficking.
Domain Game: Can Jews for Jesus Win Its Google Suit?
It's not clear whether group has right to trademark in subdomains.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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