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Tom Nelson and David Greusel: Q & A - The Supposed Dichotomy Between Sunday and Monday
In what vocational capacity do you feel God's pleasure? How does this knowledge help you overcome longstanding, dichotomous judgments about the nature of faith and work?
Tom Nelson and David Greusel: Q & A - Being Conversant vs. Being Fluent
Being a good question-asker is key to understanding people's hearts.
Skye Jethani: Creation and the Cultural Mandate
Humanity was created to make something out of the world.
Skye Jethani: The Gap Between Leadership and Laity
A brief exploration of the gap between the church's leadership and laity based on one's adherence to the actual, full Bible or the functional, partial Bible.
AJ Sherrill: Connecting and Collaborating
Several practical ideas for implementing or reinvigorating a theology of work and faith at the local church.
Reflecting a Love for the City
Architect David Greusel creates spaces where people can flourish.
Andy Crouch: Image-bearing Leads to Flourishing
The world that God creates is filled with potential, and it is waiting for image-bearing.
Andy Crouch: Four Postures Toward Culture
Christians have adopted a series of postures - condemning, critiquing, copying and consuming - toward culture. But, are these postures healthy?
Hunter Beaumont: Living in the Gap
Pastoral ministry means living in the gap between theology and the marketplace.
Amy L. Sherman: A Foretaste of the Kingdom
A successful marriage of faith and vocation has the capacity to bring a foretaste of God's Kingdom to earth.
Amy L. Sherman: Young Adults and Vocation
The failure to teach and equip on the subject of faith and vocation is a major contributor to the young adult dropout rate in churches.
Amy L. Sherman: Discipleship and Vocation
In order for discipleship to be effective, it must address vocation.
Tom Nelson: A Robust Theology That Informs Work
We must understand the centrality of a robust theology that informs our lives and vocations.
Tom Nelson: The Hidden Years of Jesus
Fundamentally, work is contribution rather than remuneration.
Tom Nelson: Beginning with Vocation
We have an integral God who is an integral worker, and work is at the heart of the story.
Tom Nelson: Liturgy That Affirms Work
What does Sunday liturgy look like when it celebrates vocation?
Tom Nelson: The Biblical Definition of Work
"The seamless design of creation is that we would work."
Tom Nelson: The Bookends of the Bible
Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22 are necessary to understanding God's purpose for our lives, and these "bookends" help narrow the "Sunday to Monday Gap."
Tom Nelson: Deconstructing Biblical Assumptions
God's introduction as a worker in Genesis 1-2 forces us to reassess and rethink biblical stereotypes and assumptions to develop a doctrine of vocation.
Tom Nelson: The Way We View Work
If work is good and reflects the character of God, why do we view it negatively?

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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